

It's Your Landing Page, Bro

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

I recently had the pleasure of working with a team of experts in landing page conversion optimization. I asked them what the biggest driver is in converting clicks into sales. “It’s your landing page, bro.” This was the beginning of us diving in and picking apart dozens of landing pages. It was one of those experiences that left me feeling excited and pumped for what’s possible and dumbfounded at what “works” on landing pages.

First, why I was dumbfounded. One bizarre learning was that landing pages that have odd numbered bullets almost always perform better than those with even numbers. WHAT?! Why would something like that even matter? After months of testing and data collection, this held up to be true. The data doesn’t lie.

Another bizarre truth- Putting an emoji in your CTA button can bump up your conversions by 2-3%. 😮

 But here’s why I’m excited and pumped. I’m leveraging these tricks and so many more for my clients. We are building out custom landing pages for lead gen, online courses and direct sales and seeing massive increases in conversion rates! YES!

For example, we had a landing page converting at 1.7% from click to purchase for an online course. Just by optimizing and customizing the landing page, we brought our purchase rate up to 4.3% in a few days. That percentage bump brought my client’s ROAS from breakeven to earning $4 for every $1 spent on ads. That’s a really big deal.

If you’re looking to generate leads or increase sales for your business and you need support building a funnel that converts, reach out. We’ll take a look at what you’ve got now, and diagnose exactly what improvements need to be made to hit your goals. The consult is free. You can book it by going to the following link:


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